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Navigate Midlife Transitions with Purpose and
Unlock Endless Possibilities

Embrace self-discovery, and realize infinite potential aligned with your authentic self, strengths, values, and aspirations.

1:1 Coaching, Group Coaching and Retreats for Living Your Best Life

The mission of Midlife Merriment is to support and encourage midlife women, guiding them to rediscover themselves, seize life’s adventures, and forge a future filled with hope and possibility. 

Empower Your Best Life: Overcome Common Midlife Challenges

  • Navigating Personal Development and Growth

    • Exploring identity, purpose, and new passions and opportunities in midlife.

  • Balancing Health and Wellness

    • Addressing menopause symptoms, managing chronic conditions, and staying active and fit.

  • Advancing Career and Professional Development

    • Overcoming age bias, navigating career transitions, and achieving fulfillment in work.

  • Enhancing Relationships

    • Strengthening marital bonds, adjusting to empty nest syndrome, and fostering meaningful connections.​

  • Securing Financial Planning and Management

    • Planning for retirement, ensuring financial independence, and navigating economic changes.

  • Nurturing Spiritual and Emotional Support

    • Cultivating inner peace, exploring beliefs, and managing emotional well-being.​


Coaching services are tailored specifically for women like you in their midlife journey, a time of profound transitions, growth, and self-discovery. The holistic coaching approach is designed to support you through every aspect of this transformative phase, helping you navigate challenges, embrace opportunities, and unlock your fullest potential. Whether you're seeking individualized guidance through one-on-one coaching sessions, the camaraderie and collective wisdom of group coaching, the rejuvenation and introspection of retreats, or the convenience and flexibility of online courses, there are offerings to suit your needs. You will experience a supportive and empowering environment where you can explore, evolve, and thrive. Let's join together on a journey of self-exploration and empowerment as you embrace the beauty and wisdom of midlife.

Your Next Steps


Schedule Your Discovery Call


Choose Your Coaching Package

Set Goals and Create Your 

Action Plan


Overcome Challenges


Live Your

Best Life

Transform Your Midlife Journey: You Don't Have to Do It Alone

Navigating midlife can be challenging. You need to address personal transitions, redefine your life purpose, rekindle your passions, manage evolving relationships, and maintain your well-being. Many women struggle with these changes, and that's why they often feel overwhelmed and uncertain about the future.


You've likely sought help from a fitness trainer, a financial advisor, or a therapist at some point. Why not hire a coach to help you navigate the complexities of midlife and enhance your quality of life?


Working with a life coach is straightforward. It begins with a discovery call where you will be asked several questions, then provided with a report on your current life status. Finally, you will customize an action plan to address your challenges, rediscover your strengths, and unlock new possibilities.


Without a coach, you may face unnecessary setbacks, costing you the invaluable asset of time. With a coach, you'll benefit from the collective wisdom and experiences of countless women who have successfully navigated midlife before you. The insights are available; they just need to be shared with you!


Schedule your discovery call today, and begin transforming your midlife journey into one filled with purpose and possibility. To schedule your discovery call, simply click below.

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Rediscover Purpose and

Embrace New Possibilities

This coaching partnership has been nothing short of transformative, leaving an indelible mark on both my personal and professional journey.

- Stephanie G.

One of the true gems of this experience has been my coach, Jennibelle Williams. Her ability to understand and connect with me on such an intimate level has been a game-changer.

- Jennifer P.

Jennibelle seamlessly transitioned between the roles of professional coach and personal mentor, providing guidance that was not only astute and professional but also rooted in genuine care for my growth and success.

- Kelli H.

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